Why MyShroom Medicinal Mushrooms?

Mushroom Blends
Years in Business
Days per Growth Cycle
Compounds in MyShroom

Our Mushroom Blends

Mushroom Benefits

  • Improve Immune System

    Strengthens and balances the immune system very quickly, more T cells are produced.

  • Increase Energy Levels

    Gives the body a high level of energy which far exceeds any other food measured on earth.

  • Protects Body

    Creates and secretes an array of antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic compounds.

We offer a variety of medicinal mushrooms aimed at supporting health and wellness.

Immune Mushroom Blend

When your immune system needs a boost, this blend of powdered mushrooms is intended to support the body and give the necessary lift. By assisting in the production of white blood cells, this immune mushroom blend could help the body fight against infection and other diseases. 

Mushrooms for Brain Health

Using mushrooms to support your cognitive function can provide a sense of alertness and mental precision. This blend of mushrooms for brain health supports nerve cell growth and the creation of ATP, the body’s energy molecule, in the heart and muscle.

Best Mushrooms for Liver Health

Similar to a mushroom-based liver cleanse, our blend of medicinal mushrooms for liver health provides anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.  This may help eliminate toxins, toxic metabolites, and viral threats to the liver cells.

Mushrooms for Blood Sugar

When it comes to blood sugar level regulation, mushrooms are proving to be good sources of beta-glucans, and therefore very effective controllers. Beta-glucans are polysaccharides and a type of water-soluble dietary fiber. Our mushrooms for blood sugar health aim to improve cholesterol and promote heart health.

MyShroom® medicinal mushroom blends are made from hybrid strains of various medicinal mushroom species such as Agaricus subrufescens, Cordyceps militaris, Hericium erinaceus, and more .  These strains were developed by university research teams.  We grow the same strains the same way that each university research laboratory does. They are grown in sterile clean rooms on autoclaved organic substrates.

We have attached a few documents for your information on the medicinal mushroom products. The medicinal mushrooms are foods; that is all, but foods that have a unique and superior chemistry provided by nature. Each university that produced their hybrid strain of medicinal mushrooms continues to do the research. The elaborate chemistry they found has been proven to benefit human chemistry in many ways.

Further analysis such as is required for a drug company to make claims is just not necessary. Mushrooms are considered a food and safe to consume by the Food and Drug Administration.

We have connected the dots between the research reports, our research and peer review articles on the proven chemistry of these hybrid medicinal mushroom strains that came from these universities. Not all mushrooms are created equally because each strain is unique, and the food is unique that we feed the mushrooms. These strains are not available by any other producers. We discovered these hybrid strains through joint research and collaboration with each research team. We have commercialized the production of these proprietary hybrid medicinal mushroom strains and developed proprietary MyShroom® formula blends from them. When incorporated in the diet, these foods have proven to support the immune and nervous systems.


We have assembled collaborators: with expertise in Oncology, Pathology, Neurology, Infectious disease, Endocrinology, Genetics, Cancer research, and in Nutrition, Agriculture, Chinese medicine, Dietetics, Herbology and Immunology from over fifteen universities. (See the reference documentation for the listed researchers from the referenced articles published by each team)

We cannot make claims or representations that products cure, diagnose or treat disease.

All researchers and medical professionals cannot make claims regardless of the outcome when using any food or natural product. All they can do is document the outcomes of the research or recommend consuming them as foods. It is impossible to find all of the mechanisms and pathways of the chemistry going on from moment to moment in our cells.  

There are over 4,000 chemicals in MyShroom® medicinal mushrooms. There are a vast amount of chemistry in all of the foods that we consume. The new science of nutritional genomics and epigenetics research shows diet can affect health.

The organisms in kingdom fungi include mushrooms, yeasts, molds, rusts, smuts, puffballs, truffles, morels, and molds.  More than 70,000 species of fungi have been identified. The fungi constitute an independent group to that of plants and animals. They live everywhere in air, in water, on land, in soil, and on or in plants and animals. Some fungi are microscopic and other extends for more than a thousand acres. Mycology is a discipline of biology which deals with the study of fungi. Fungi appear like plants but are closely related to animals. Fungi are not capable of producing their own food, so they get their nourishment from other sources. Fungi are in a wide variety of sizes and forms and have great economic importance.

Nutritional genomics, while centered on the biology of individuals, distinguishes itself from other “omics” fields by its unique focus on disease prevention and healthy aging through the manipulation of gene–diet interactions. Nutritional genomics promises to revolutionize both clinical and public health nutrition practice and facilitate the establishment of (a) genome- informed nutrient and food-based dietary guidelines for disease prevention and healthful aging, (b) individualized medical nutrition therapy for disease management, and (c) better targeted public health nutrition interventions, including micronutrient fortification and supplementation, that maximize benefit and minimize adverse outcomes within genetically diverse human populations. Research dietitians are among the leading scientists pioneering this field, and food and nutrition professionals will be primarily responsible for its implementation. In 2006, the Institute of Medicine convened a workshop to review the state of the various domains of nutritional genomics research and policy and to provide guidance for further development and translation of this knowledge into nutrition practice and policy (2). Three scientific domains of nutritional genomics were discussed: (a) nutritional genetics or nutrigenetics, which involves the identification, classification, and characterization of human genetic variation that modifies nutrient metabolism/ utilization and food tolerances; (b) nutritional epigenetics, which refers to the effect of nutrients on deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)/chromatin (and hence gene expression), which programs or reprograms biological networks with multigenerational consequences; and (c) systems biology and nutritional engineering, which is the application of nutrigenomics information to manipulate biological pathways and networks for benefit through nutrition, including the use of food-based diets, dietary restriction, or nutritional supplements to affect genome expression, stability, and/or direct dietary compensation for metabolic deficiencies (2). This Institute of Medicine report provides background for this review, which is restricted in scope to highlighting the interactions of the B vitamin folate with the human genome and the current gaps in knowledge that must be overcome to achieve genomically driven nutrition practice and policies.


J Am Diet Assoc. 2008;108:1480-1487.

1. Garza C, Stover PJ. The role of science in identifying common ground in the GMO debate. Trend Food Tech. 2003;14:182-190. 

2. IOM. Nutrigenomics and beyond: Informing the future. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press; 2007

What our Customers Have to Say

I have type 1 diabetes. I started taking the medicinal mushrooms on 2/15/2020 and was able to reduce my insulin intake.
Mary D.
I still have lung cancer, but it has not progressed significantly since the original diagnosis 6 years ago, and I live a relatively normal life.
Camey M.
I started taking 16 teaspoons of Immune Health mushroom powder in July 2019, and lab results show shrinking of my Liposarcoma to less than half.
Deanna D.